
Ultra Sonic Pile integrity Test (USPIT)

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Ultra Sonic Pile Integrity Test Introduction:-

Drilled shafts are prepared for integrity testing using Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL) during construction. This involves installing at least three tubes, typically attached to the reinforcement cage along the shaft's length. After pouring concrete, these tubes are filled with water. During CSL testing, an ultrasonic signal emitted in one tube is detected by another transceiver in a different tube. Poor concrete quality between the tubes can delay or disrupt the signal.

YJACK engineers use equipment to lower probes into the shaft and move transceivers upwards in tandem to scan the entire shaft length. They interpret field data for delayed pulse arrivals or weak signals, indicating potential defects, which is later reviewed in the office. Results are documented in a comprehensive report.

Crosshole sonic logging integrity testing adheres to the ASTM D6760 standard, which outlines the procedures for Integrity Testing of Concrete Deep Foundations by Ultrasonic Crosshole Testing.

Our USPIT test employs MrGeo - Ultra Sonic Pile Integrity Tester, an advanced technology providing substantial benefits to stakeholders in the pile testing industry.

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MrGeo - Ultra Sonic Pile Integrity Tester

The Ultra Sonic Pile Integrity Tester (USPIT) is a state-of-the-art testing equipment to perform ultra sonic pile integrity test (US) on deep foundation piles. With the advancement of the electronic components, now the system normally performed by multiple sensors with 1 pull to obtain 6 profiles.

For those seeking more detailed insights into pile testing methodologies, we invite you to explore the specialized services offered by GeoAli.

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